The Game Room is the room for games. This room is used to fill Pou's happiness meter, as well as for the player's pleasure with a wide range of minigames they can play. The minigames fills up the meter extremely rapidly too, as well as a main source of coins.
Main article: Balls
To the right is the Shop button, and to the left is the Games button, which accesses the many minigames Pou can play. There is a ball in the middle, which is a ping-pong ball by default, which can to fill up Pou's happiness in a way other than playing games, such as when Pou is too tired to play.
Main article: Minigames
There is a wide range of minigames in the Game Room where Pou can obtain coins during or after the game. The last minigame was released in 2016 (Connect 2).